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About us

About Lineomatic

Profitable Investment

Original Lineomatic Parts are manufactured under the same specifications and processes as your Lineomatic machines. We make no difference between an original part and a replacement part. In fact, our Original Parts are the exact same parts that are built into the machines in our factory.

Replacement parts from other sources may cost less up front, but they are not engineered specifically for Lineomatic machines. They often need to be replaced earlier and can damage parts on your machine as well as disable safety features.

Original Lineomatic v/s Non-Original Lineomatic

  • . Lowest cost of ownership
  • . Longer machine life expectancy
  • . Less administration and parts interpretation time
  • . Near zero rejection rate
  • . Dealer beating prices
  • . Peak performance
  • . Superior quality products
  • . Reliability & Productivity
  • . High maintenance cost
  • . Lower efficiency
  • . Costly risk of breakdowns
  • . More accident prone
  • . Cost of lower machine life expectancy
  • . Poor machine performance
  • . Poor quality products
  • . High logistics cost